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These Zionists will not return to their stolen homes anytime soon.

8,497 views May 15

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Saysumptin Omega 20,469 points
+2 votes
May 15
chancho The Boss 28,235 points
not so tough when not facing women and children
+4 votes
May 15
Matt’s Ass Addicted 1,818 points
They don’t “face” women and children, the enemy just hides behind them.
megakotaro Intermediate 1,177 points
Allahu Akbar.
+1 vote
May 15
Guvnor The Boss 26,454 points
Gone in a flash..
+3 votes
May 15
Bfotv Addicted 2,244 points
it's good to resist but they should stop giving the camera to the shooter
0 votes
May 16
Wendingo The Boss 43,718 points
Judging by the abrupt cutoff the sand nigger who shot the antitank shoulder weapon into a wall got killed by the soldiers once the shock of the explosion had worn off. These videos look awesome and brave but, in reality, unless you use an anti-personnel grenade, with shrapnel, you're not killing anybody, not unless you hit them with it directly, which didn't happen. I guarantee you none of them were injured and the only person who died was the moron who shot it in the first place.
+1 vote
May 16
Bensalam 50 points
Well Diapers are no longer required ()
+3 votes
May 16
POLYPOLL 38 points
I hope their families see this and identify them the camera man did great .good hunting
+2 votes
May 16
humblebumble Extreme Poster 525 points
Wasnt a hit at all. Dafuq aim better.
+2 votes
May 16
Golden Experienced 255 points
0 votes
May 17
MentallyRetarded Veteran 12,075 points
In every other conflict you see the dead after such an attack only the worthless goat fuckers from gaza show no aftermath. Could it be because these bastards are too stupid to really kill jews and in the best case only injure them?!
0 votes
May 19
ZackRock63 Intermediate 1,357 points
Trying to get enough points so i can upload videos
0 votes
Jun 23
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 40,890 points