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Peeing On Stranger Woman In Public


29,201 views May 29

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BaconKing_104 Overlord 6,264 points
fucking creep should be raped by rabid feral niggers and then chemically castrated. this was still fucking funny tho, but society doesn't need fuckers like this.
+4 votes
May 29
Bfotv Addicted 2,246 points
strangely seeing a severed head shocks me less compared to this even if it just warms up for a moment lol
SendNukes690 Beginner 182 points
Spic cartels butchering each other is very casual.
Deeeesensitized Beginner 217 points
His dick was real tiny but this shit made me laugh.
+3 votes
May 29
Saysumptin Omega 20,582 points
Not much you can do with that button but pee out of it. It's the size of his thumb
+1 vote
May 29
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 75,666 points
That's what she gets for wearing first Gen Airpods
+2 votes
May 29
Sum Dum Phuc Famous 3,452 points
It would have been better if he had waited for a bus to come, so she went under it headfirst when stumbling into the road.
+3 votes
May 29
Afool Famous 3,628 points
Nobody is going to believe this HAHA
+2 votes
May 29
SlickDick Addicted 2,092 points
If that's real that's FN hilarious lol
+1 vote
May 29
Sukuna Advanced 2,435 points
That jizz went some inside her eye. Hehe!
+1 vote
May 29
active800 65 points
small dick hahaha
+1 vote
May 29
Black101 Well-Known 933 points
What a prick!
+1 vote
May 30
Real_Misanthrope Veteran 11,729 points
I bet that cunt enjoyed it.
+2 votes
May 30
ReligiousMan Famous 4,157 points
What a proper way! He's just marking his territory

Now the girl is his.
+1 vote
May 30
yousirname Addicted 2,145 points
Small pipi just like his brain
+1 vote
May 30
NebuJlN Veteran 12,490 points
Its smaller than his thumb... , no wonder he turned into a weirdo.
+2 votes
May 30
FKmohamed Experienced 279 points
Funny stuff
+1 vote
May 30
Lord198211 50 points
It seems like cats are in mating season
+1 vote
May 30
BalkanGypsyOwner 8 points
Stupid gypsy from algeria has to be scalped
+1 vote
May 30
fuckthelife Hacker 79,733 points
haha Lol she seemed really pissed off
+1 vote
May 30
SendNukes690 Beginner 182 points
Wendingo The Boss 49,588 points
Ahh, humans! We blame 0hones for making us do these things but the truth is we would do it regardless of whether or not our phones had a camera and internet or not.
+2 votes
May 31
cacao Famous 3,596 points
aaahhajahaaaahaaa xD
0 votes
Jun 1
Yucky Lord Paramount 429,299 points