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Evil Bitch Throws 70-Year-Old Man Down The Stairs To Rob Him
8,785 views Feb 5

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yousirname Advanced 2,524 points
Didn’t work
+1 vote
Feb 5
Saysumptin The Boss 30,359 points
Skank failed. Sure, she will hoe for him again and he can push her down the stairs for a thank you
+1 vote
Feb 5
BaconKing_104 Veteran 11,767 points
Fucking disgusting cunt. Now she will rot in prison for at least 30 years.
+1 vote
Feb 5
Gonzaga Addicted 1,658 points
Was in Brazil, she won't got more than 5 years, maybe less.
BrownShitSkinNigger Experienced 450 points
I’m gonna side with the brown shitskin on this one. He was clearly walking out without paying for her “services” Why are you hiring brown vagina in the first place? That motherfucker should be paralyzed in a wheelchair. Racemixing piece of shit.
+1 vote
Feb 5
TNCOTK Beginner 139 points
Hates race mixing
Hates the Klan
Make it make sense
BrownShitSkinNigger Experienced 450 points
Uhh I’m very much into KKK, which explains my profile picture. Only shitskin beaners & niggers from America say “make it make sense” stop using their ghetto terminology.
TNCOTK Beginner 139 points
And yet, when you see a white brother recruiting for a Klan, you don't like it. I dare you to be like that in front of a real Klan. You'd get your ass beat
BrownShitSkinNigger Experienced 450 points
That’s not true. I was joking at the time because I thought you invited a shitskin if I remember correctly.
TNCOTK Beginner 139 points
Ah alright, all good. Do you know about us, or are you mistaking us with another Klan?
BrownShitSkinNigger Experienced 450 points
It was just a misunderstanding lmao
TNCOTK Beginner 139 points
I see. Would you be interested in joining?
BrownShitSkinNigger Experienced 450 points
I don’t use discord though. And I’m in Russia sorry. Also i hope you’re aware Jesus was an Israeli Jewish shitskin..
TNCOTK Beginner 139 points
I hope you're aware the Klan is christian.. Lmao. How can you claim to like the Klan when you don't know that basic fact?
BrownShitSkinNigger Experienced 450 points
I can support their racist beliefs & executions without agreeing with their brainwashed religion. God isn’t Jesus, that would be like saying God is brown. It’s contradicting for an extreme racist group to believe/pray to a shitskin.
TNCOTK Beginner 139 points
The Klans whole thing is we're christian. We don't even allow non-christian racists in
BaconKing_104 Veteran 11,767 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger you are poisoned by jewish lies, lmao. All the 12 apostles never described jesus as a shitskin. Nor was he jewish. He was ISRAELI and there's a difference. I am so fucking done with ignorant far right people saying that jesus was a shitskin jew. You should thank all the white christian generations and founding fathers because in every time that a country was actually ran by white christians we had a country very close to perfection. Look at america in the 60s. Perfectly functional, racist and homophobic. Look at today's poland. Look at today's russia. All ran or populated by white christians. And what are they like? Free of immigrants, lgbtq+ is not well seen. The whole fucking world was perfection when ran by christians. In fact jesus was such a shitskin jew that hitler, goebbels and many other high ranking german generals cherished churches in germany during national socialism. There's even pictures of that. If jesus is such a shitskin jew, how come according to jewish scriptures he is in hell boiling in feces? Now, what does the bible have to say about jews? Revelations 2:9 I know your afflictions and your poverty, yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are jews and are not, but ARE A SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. Matthew 23:37 jerusalem, jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often i have longed to gether your children together, as hen gathers chicks under her wings, and you were not willing? Titus 1:10-11 For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. They must be silenced, because they are disrupting the whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach, and that for the sake of the dishonest gain. Acts 13:46 We had to speak the word of god to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourself worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the gentiles. Thessalonians 2:14-15 For you brothers and sisters, became imitators of god's churches in judea, which are in christ jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the jews who killed the lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease god and are hostile to everyone. The bible clearly seems antisemitic to me.
BrownShitSkinNigger Experienced 450 points
Praying to Jesus invites evil & the devil in, as opposed to just praying to God alone. You’re just giving more power to a random “deity” whom you’ve never met, Jesus could be another name for the devil for all you know, posing as a “false prophet”. I find it strange to worship some random John Doe Israeli shitskin. How can Christians “love thy neighbor” if they’re racist/homophobic/antisemitic. Aren’t they suppose to love & accept everyone? I don’t & clearly they don’t either. My country is orthodox & believes in saints which I also question. I believe in God, no deities/prophets/saints who claim to be holier than thou.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 11,767 points
Jesus claimed to be god multiple times and as i already said he was not shitskin. And there's difference between "loving your neighbor" and "loving their sin". Unfortunately too much shit has happened in my life and i think i can never be able to love people randomly like that as jesus said to us, i actually despise most people, i am full of hate. I don't think that's a sin i will ever be able to overcome. I hope i don't go to hell for that, but if i do, hey, i tried. And at least i ain't proud of being like that either, i know it goes against my religion, and i always try to not sin even if i fail miserably 90% of the times. Besides that, i don't know, besides proving to you that jesus was not a shitskin and that the bible is antisemitic, i don't know what else to say. If you wanna keep hating on a national socialist brother go on then, what can i do about it.
pinbota Advanced 2,780 points
It's amusing to see people engage in deep discussions about something that doesn't actually exist.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 11,767 points
It's amusing to see regular people always believing to somehow be smarter because THEIR PERSONAL opinion is that there's no god. Lol you ain't him pal.
pinbota Advanced 2,780 points
The existence of a god is a factual matter, independent of personal opinion.
BrownShitSkinNigger Experienced 450 points
I personally don’t align with worshipping this motherfucker, who potentially looks like every Middle East brownie that rapes little white kids. Klu Klux/Hitler favored Aryans, so the Christianity shit makes no sense brother, it seems to go over everyone’s head.

BaconKing_104 Veteran 11,767 points
you do realize that the picture on the left was recreated by (what a coincidence) israeli archeologists? well in case your little retarded fucking brain cannot understand what it means, well, it means that it was made ugly as fuck on purpose, because kikes hate christians! and on top of that jesus was always represented as white dating all the way back to the romans
pinbota Advanced 2,780 points
Who the fuck cares what Jesus looked like? He probably didn't exist. And even if he did, he wasn't a son of a god.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 11,767 points
No one asked you anything, as i said already, stop acting like you're the smartest in the room. Seriously who the fuck do you think you are?
pinbota Advanced 2,780 points
Religious people often feel that others look down on them, and I'm not the one to disagree.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 11,767 points
That's because you are actually retarded, lol.
pinbota Advanced 2,780 points
Someone who believes in non-existent things tells me I'm retarded. Thank you for that unique experience.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 11,767 points
He literally went on earth and people like you killed him. Also the bible is one of the most accurate history books ever and many events depicted in the bible took/are taking place.
pinbota Advanced 2,780 points
This bitch is too big. It's likely a man bitch
0 votes
Feb 5
TNCOTK Beginner 139 points
If anyone is interested in joining the Klan, add me on Discord
+1 vote
Feb 5
BaconKing_104 Veteran 11,767 points
I already tried to.
TNCOTK Beginner 139 points
You seem cool, but I don't think we would allow you in because of your pfp
BaconKing_104 Veteran 11,767 points
So is it for national socialism in general or only oskar dirlewanger?
TNCOTK Beginner 139 points
Well we're not inherently a national socialist group but we do have some national socialists. It would just be the Oskar pfp that's a problem
Gonzaga Addicted 1,658 points
"Oh, no! What happened!?"
You know exactly what happened, you fuck bitch.
0 votes
Feb 5
BrownShitSkinNigger Experienced 450 points
He deserved it. He puts his little cock in brown escort holes. Don’t defend that lil nigger-fucker.
Gonzaga Addicted 1,658 points
Seems like you really believe in nazism, i thought this nazi/racist thing was a rage bait to make the snowflakes mad.
Ghost & König's Slut Addicted 2,183 points
Bitch looks like a man and I don't think that dude was 70 years old...
+1 vote
Feb 6
NSDAP Hacker 80,792 points