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Addicted Ghost & König's Slut Registered user 1578 Points
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Ghost & König's Slut - Recent activity
Member for: 3 months
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Full name: Liliana "Lilly"
Location: Above Ghost's and König's large soft bed. I'm their bedwarmer obviously, and I love making them big boys sandwiches^^
Website: My Discord: lullaby_for_a_sadist
About: Age, 22. Mexican/Native American. Light skinned goth/gamer girl. Pretty. Flirty. Shy. Depressed. Suicidal. Antisocial. Outcast. Masochist. I'm actually really nice, but society made me hate humanity. This world is fucking evil and I'm glad it's ending soon, hopefully this is it. Modern women are the worst and I hate them the most. Stop simping over these sluts, THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU! Bring back male masculinity and make women modest, shamefaced, and LOYAL again!
Sorry the world treats you like shit men, sadly, only a few women like me still adore and need you...

Men men men men I love men.. As a woman, I hate the majority of modern women, particularly feminists and the slutty narcissistic ones who claim to be 10s therefore they're deserving of princess treatment with their 0 personality and lack of common sense an' brain cells. Anyway, I wasted my childhood playing video games, and I had no friends. I've fallen in love with many masculine male video game characters. Growing up, I looked up to these characters and since then I've grown to respect and appreciate strong men in real life, no matter the nationality. Me personally, I feel like mostly every guy has the potential to become something great. But since society constantly brings men down and blames them for everything and not being good enough, then they can never reach their full potential. I myself am a strong woman, not because I want to prove that I can be better than a man, but because I would also like to protect them the way they protect me. And be a helpmeet as God intended<3

And fuck feminism ya fucking WHORES !!

Activity by Ghost & König's Slut

Score: 1,578 points (ranked #367)
Title: Addicted
Media: 0
Comments: 542
Replies: 421
Voted on: 4 Media, 79 Comments
Gave out: 83 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 476 up votes, 0 down votes